The undecided voters

Dear Americans,

I wonder if you know how this election is critical not just to America, but indeed to the rest of the world? If so, how do many of you comfortably label yourself as ‘undecided voters’ - two weeks before election day. On Monday, President Obama and Governor Romney appeared at their final debate to reiterate their individual vision for America.

In articulate language whisked with a tinge of urgency, each candidate laid out out their plans for the next four years. But the truth is, the policies that Obama and Romney shared will have long term impact on people who live in places that even Google maps can’t locate. So I hope that when you step away from the noise of pundits and super pacs and sit at your kitchen tables, you will remember the key points both candidates shared  and make a sound decision. If I were at the table with you, I would urge you to vote for President Barack Obama. What this President has been able to achieve in the last four years with a bitterly uncooperative congress gives me hope that given a second term, he is going to do even more. Currently, unemployment is down to 7.8%, 5 million jobs have been added to the economy, the stock market is no longer in a free fall, healthcare reform has been passed, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell has been repealed and steps are underway to deal with America’s undocumented immigrants. His unwavering agenda for America’s foreign policy is an inclusive approach which draws on the involvement of Allies to tackle the world’s most complex situations.

Let me draw your attention to places like Greece, Spain and Italy where poor leadership has resulted in record unemployment and sea-deep deficit. The world looks to America to lead so I want your country in the steady hands of someone who will go after the terrorists and still possesses the restraint to not flare emotions with unnecessary talk of war. Presently, al-Qaeda has been decimated in the Arab region but they are making inroads in Northern Africa and they are also involved in efforts to destabilize Mali in West Africa.  I trust the vision that Obama has for the world and I believe in the comprehensive and balanced approach he wants to deal with issues such as terrorism, illegal immigration and the environment. After four years of handwork, there is credible evidence that the American economy is turning the curve and I am convinced that President Obama’s plan to grow America’s economy from the middle will return America to the level of prosperity it once enjoyed.

It is for these reasons, that I want President Barack Obama back in office for four more years. I realize that this may seem like I am meddling in your internal affairs, but this election is too important for me to sit it out and pretend I am a undecided global citizen.


How Obama fooled us

Who would have thought the light-skinned brother who preached about hope and change had the chutzpah to execute the most daring military operation of our time? From the moment Barack Obama declared his candidacy for the President of the USA, he was berated for not being Black enough, not old enough, and definitely not experienced enough to take the 3am call. Fast forward to May 1st 2011. President Barack Obama walked purposefully to the presidential podium to announce that America’s most wanted terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, had been killed. If the announcement was shocking, the details that emerged were simply mind-blowing. 

Acting on the directives of the Commander-in-Chief, an elite Navy Seals group used infrared suppressant helos to breach Pakistani airspace. They descended on a compound in the city of Abottabad and shot the bejesus out of America’s anti-christ, Osama Bin Laden. Had I seen this plot unfold in a movie, I would have dismissed it as Hollywood hype about American prowess. But there was no hype about the steel resolve in President Obama’s eyes as he explained that airstrikes on the high-walled compound would have obliterated any trace of Bin Laden, so he opted for a riskier yet more deliberate execution.

When you consider the fact that this decision was based on circumstantial evidence formed against the backdrop of disastrous outcomes of Black Hawk Down (Somalia 1994) and Desert One (Iran 1980), Obama virtually put his presidency on the line to take Bin Laden out! That takes gall. I realize now that he is more calculating than the sacchrine smile lets on. It is this little known trait of Barack Obama which explains how he has managed to secure a historic nuclear arms deal with Russia and pass healthcare reform. Ironically, these accomplishments are met with fire branding critique. Republicans call him a Socialist. Democrats accuse him not doing enough. Wall street insists that he is anti business and Main street accuses him of kowtowing to the fat cats. Truthfully, the consensus was that 3 years after his ‘Si se peude’ campaign, Obama had watered down his ‘change’ mantra with one compromise after another.

Post May 1st however, his rising approval ratings is a sign that America is beginning to see Obama in a whole new light. He is no longer the light-skinned brother with the dazzling smile. He is the man who silenced Donald Tramp, Matt Damon, and Osama Bin Laden in one weekend. He is the President of the United States and he knows what he is doing. Don’t get it twisted.

Trial seperation it is

So she spoke on November 3rd. Trial seperation it is. Mr. President, the gloves are off, there is no need for metaphors or analogies. Lets have some real talk. I could not vote for you, but I could campaign for you - so I did. In watching you with Hilary in the 2008 elections, I noticed that you really try to stay above the fray. Even when she kicked you in the shins and trampled on your fingers, you would ignore her. You only roared when she would body slam you onto the ground and reach for the jugular. Then you would spring up like and cobra and fight like your life was at stake.

Well the life of your presidency is at stake now. I am going to ask you to drop the cool and collected composure. Yes I know it is against your nature, but the American people need to feel like you feel their pain. it is no longer enough to say you are also frustrated. Flare your nostrils, heave your chest, widen your eyes. Do something because the pressed lips does not cut it. You are not like most people, you are more intelligent, more evolved, but inorder to get the tide on your side you need to show some blue collar emotion once in a while.

Do you see Michelle when she hits the trail? She combines high level intellect and ground level passion in a way that resonates with everyone. Please tell the White House handlers to get her out of the vegetable garden and use your best asset! We want to see more of Michelle. I want her explaining the impact of your economic agenda. I want her to tell the marginalized story of how you saved the American Auto industry. I want her to talk about the fact that the Banks have paid back the loans with interest. I want her to talk about the fact health care reform did not go as far as the left wanted but damnit, it will help over 30 million Americans and it lays the foundation for further advances in healthcare. Whilst we are on the topic of strong women who can connect, engage Hilary with the public. I know she has an important job which takes her across the world, but she I am sure your strategist can find a way to make her a more visible figure with an audible voice for your platform.

Mr. President, you made categoric promises to certain groups. Honor your word, repeal DADT. The LGBT group do not easily forget disappointments but they enthusiastically reward any attempt to empower their rights. Reach out directly to women and your base and get them on your side again. You are one of the best communicators in the history of American politics so why are you saying “Can you hear me now?” I know why. You do not like to brag. But guess what? America responds well to bragging. Why do you think George Bush was so popular? Think of it this way; there is a difference between bragging and drumming in your achievements, and you need to do some drumming. You remind of a really smart guy I went to school with. His name is Charles. This guy joined us mid way through a very academic stream and blew us away with his extraordinary high marks. Like you, Charles never boasted about his extraordinary achievements. In fact you would never know that he got 100% on a test unless you asked him. But unlike Charles, you cannot afford to be modest, you need to amplify your achievements through a megaphone inorder to blow out the wax from ears of the back biting Press.

No more high level intellectual talk. Rein your people in and curb the party resistance. Force the hard issues and hold every member of the House accountable when the tom foolery sets in. Mr. President I am on your side and so are the American people but you cannot let your brash opponents take over your historic journey. Wake up or the tea they are brewing will be served at a 2012 farewell party.

P.S. I will be listening to you at 1pm I hope Robert Gibbs forwards the message to you by then.

This article is a follow up to an earlier one called Barack - a love story or a breakup

Barack - a love story or a breakup?

Boy (Barry) meets girl (Amerique) who is definitely not into him. He woos her with shakespearean poetry and begs to be given a chance. She relents when he assures her that he is not like the others. He will not cheat, he will cook, clean, and take out the garbage. He will be her provider and protector and, together, they will change the world. Unfortunately,after 20 months of marriage, Amerique is talking to her lawyers about trial separation. She is poised to move in with her ex-husband, Forest, because after almost 2 years of marriage, Barry has not given her the life she was promised.

Amerique is depressed and is beginning to feel nostalgic about the days when she used to be with Forest. Yes, the neighbours scoffed at the fact that he was educated but inarticulate. Their disdain was exacerbated when he responded to a provocation from one neighbour by opening fire on two neighbours. Yes, he depleted her savings, run up credit card bills and left without paying them. Yes, he was never apologetic or remorseful, but there was something about his brash ways that turned her on. Today, Barry is moonlighting at his 3rd job. The poems have been replaced with stern words and tough love. Forest on the other hand, is saying he has changed his ways and that his love for Amerique never died. He wants to come back to show Amerique that he is not the same man that abused her for 8 years.

Here in a nutshell is my take on the pending US midterm elections. It has an obvious slant, but I have never purported to be fair and balanced. Poor Democrats, they have sweaty palms because instead of energizing their base with left leaning policies, they intellectualized themselves into a hole and now they are paying for it. Obama and Clinton have taken to the streets with charm and gentle persuasion to prevent a catatonic slide to the Republicans. They argue that the healthcare reform, financial reform and the stabilization of a hypertensive economy are incredible feats which merits credit. Unfortunately, this is irrelevant because Amerique who is being persuaded, still has no steady income to prevent her house from being foreclosed. This is why soothsayers, pundits and polls are saying that the Republicans are poised to take the House and possibly the Senate. What they are forgetting is Amerique has not spoken yet. Infact she will not speak until November 2nd. So if you are in her sphere of influence, don’t be disenchanted, step out on November 2nd and help Amerique make the right decision. Tell her a good man like Barry is hard to find. Yes he has fumbled and stumbled a few times, but he is a hardworking man whose heart is in the right place. Encourage Amerique to stand by her man and work with him to rebuild their home.

So she spoke on November 3rd. Trial seperation it is. Mr. President, the gloves are off, there is no need for metaphors or analogies. Lets have some real talk. I could not vote for you, but I could campaign for you - so I did. In watching you with Hilary in the 2008 elections, I noticed that you really try to stay above the fray. Even when she kicked you in the shins and trampled on your fingers, you would ignore her. You only roared when she would body slam you onto the ground and reach for the jugular. Then you would spring up like and cobra and fight like your life was at stake. Well the life of your presidency is at stake now. I am going to ask you to drop the cool and collected composure. Yes I know it is against your nature, but the American people need to feel like you feel their pain. it is no longer enough to say you are also frustrated. Flare your nostrils, heave your chest, widen your eyes. Do something because the pressed lips does not cut it. You are not like most people, you are more intelligent, more evolved, but inorder to get the tide on your side you need to show some blue collar emotion once in a while.

Do you see Michelle when she hits the trail? She combines high level intellect and ground level passion in a way that resonates with everyone. Please tell the White House handlers to get her out of the vegetable garden and use your best asset! We want to see more of Michelle. I want her explaining the impact of your economic agenda. I want her to tell the marginalized story of how you saved the American Auto industry. I want her to talk about the fact that the Banks have paid back the loans with interest. I want her to talk about the fact health care reform did not go as far as the left wanted but damnit, it will help over 30 million Americans and it lays the foundation for further advances in healthcare. Whilst we are on the topic of strong women who can connect, engage Hilary with the public. I know she has an important job which takes her across the world, but she I am sure your strategist can find a way to make her a more visible figure with an audible voice for your platform.

Mr. President, you made categoric promises to certain groups. Honor your word, repeal DADT. The LGBT group do not easily forget disappointments but they enthusiastically reward any attempt to empower their rights. Reach out directly to women and your base and get them on your side again. You are one of the best communicators in the history of American politics so why do you have a communications problem? I know why. You do not like to brag. But guess what? America responds well to bragging. Why do you think George Bush was so popular? Think of it this way; there is a difference between bragging and drumming in your achievements and you need to do some drumming. You remind of a really smart guy I went to school with. His name is Charles. This guy joined us mid way through a very academic stream and blew us away with his extraordinary high marks. Like you, Charles never boasted about his extraordinary achievements. In fact you would never know that he got 100% on a test unless you asked him. But unlike Charles, you cannot afford to be modest, you need to amplify your achievements through a megaphone inorder to blow out the wax from ears of the back biting Press.

No more high level intellectual talk. Rein your people in and curb the party resistance. Force the hard issues and hold every member of the House accountable when the tom foolery sets in. Mr. President I am on your side and so are the American people but you cannot let your brash opponents take over your historic journey. Wake up or the tea they are brewing will be served at a 2012 farewell party.