What is stopping you

"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic." - Unknown. This inspiring quote stirred something within my core. It reminded me of how we block our own success by thinking that before we start something, society must first give us permission. The permissions come in the form of family approval, academic accreditation and financial freedom which we insist must be perfectly aligned in order for us to pursue our dreams. Whilst we spend time moaning about the skills we lack, we become very skilled at building walls that confine our dreams to our heads and prevents them from ever meeting reality. I started AmmazingSeries knowing that  I lacked the formal training to even dare call it a talk show but  I remembered that "Only as high as I reach  can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I can look can I see, only as much as I can dream can I Be" -  Karen Ravn. 

Last Sunday, 2 months after I plunged into AmmazingSeries, I had a light bulb moment. It dawned on me that after many wranglings with fear, I am finally walking on the path of my dreams. Contrary to my fantasies, the path of dreams is not gilded with gold and euphoria. It has potholes that make you stumble and dust that makes you sneeze.  It comes with a pay cut, sleepless nights and disappointments . I had always envisioned that living my dream meant doing what I love, but with the car, the mansion and the in-house hair stylist to back it up. I am so happy to be proven wrong. Not every moment of living my dream is golden, but even with all that is lacking and missing, It is consistently fulfilling. 


My heart swells with joy anytime I am on location filming for AmmazingSeries. I encounter true happiness when I am talking to strangers, yet it feels like we are bosom buddies. Whether a post on my site has 4 hits or 4000 hits, it does not matter, because this is the stuff dreams are made of . So what is stopping you? When are you going to drop the excuses in your story? Go ahead, book the domain, register the business, and start living your dream. “Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” Mark Victor Hansen

Written by Amma Bonsu initially posted on Aug 30th 2010

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  1. Just what I needed to get back to work:) If anyone is gonna make it, it will be you Amma! You are smart, driven, God fearing and have a good heart: truly truly Ammazing! I am happy this is turning out to be what you dreamed of and good luck always!

  2. you are my back-up retirement plan…so i know you're gonna make it!!!! actually, you better make it….(am i good or what?? hint hint)

  3. Happy for you that you are embracing your path, Amma….thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Wonderful testimonial Amma! Very inspiring Thanks for sharing.

  5. Yolie, Thank you for your comments. You make me equally proud girl.

  6. Miss unstoppable Nissa you know you also make me proud

  7. U make me proud lil sis! and God bless

  8. ama tillman thank you. comments like yours is petrol in my tank

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